
Kim jesteśmy?

TRAWENA od wielu lat jest dostawcą artykułów mundurowych dla Wojska Polskiego, Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, Służby Więziennej, Urzędów Celnych, Straży Granicznej , Biura Ochrony Rządu i Policji . Realizowaliśmy produkcję i dostarczamy dla służb mundurowych państw NATO w tym dla armii niemieckiej, fińskiej, norweskiej, szwedzkiej i estońskiej oraz policji berlińskiej.

Skontaktuj się z nami

  • 48 81 58 57 000
  • trawena@trawena@com.pl
  • Trawniki 624c, Trawniki; 21-044
ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 6, Lublin
Sales office:
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 16, Legionowo
Headquarters: +48 81 58 57 000
(in hours 8:00 – 16:00)



Trawena / History



A knitting state-owned enterprise was established in Trawniki. After the knitting and sewing machines were installed and the workforce trained, production got off the ground.

We continue to work on state-of-the art special and heat resistant underwear. The deliveries effected so far and praises from our suppliers guarantee a strong leading position on the market.


The enterprise adopted the name TRAWENA. Following the execution of the first big order from the government, the enterprise effected substantial orders from the countries of the Warsaw Pact, mainly the USSR.

We continue to work on state-of-the art special and heat resistant underwear. The deliveries effected so far and praises from our suppliers guarantee a strong leading position on the market.


From 1973 on large volumes of superior quality products were exported to West Germany, Denmark, Holland, the US, England, and Sweden. The enterprise employed over a thousand employees.

We continue to work on state-of-the art special and heat resistant underwear. The deliveries effected so far and praises from our suppliers guarantee a strong leading position on the market.


In 1995 the enterprise, along with its traditions and production capacity, was acquired by private entrepreneurs, which gave birth to a modern production plant with over 500 FTEs. The enterprise had its own knitting, dyeing, and clothing shops, design office, laboratory, wastewater treatment plant, power distribution station, and logistics department.

The products were sold in chain stores such as Macro Cash & Carry, HIT, GEANT, SELGROSS, AUCHAN , ADLER, TESCO , and for buyers of corporate and uniformed clothes including the army, police, paramilitary organisations, security agencies, and industrial security services. Large volumes of clothes were exported to Germany, the US, Japan, and the UK.

On top of that, football players from Parma and Bologna wore sports and jogging suits made in TRAWENA, ordered individually by football clubs. Replica club outfits were produced on a massive scale for buyers in the USA (for NBA and NHL). Goalkeeper gear was made for Swedish hockey teams.

But this is just the beginning, what does our work look like now?

Franciszek Ziajkowski, owner and founder of the partnership,  now also Honorary President of the Board

Our owners have rich and varied experience in managing big enterprises. Their know-how and expertise in handling production related issues gives us an advantage in selecting our suppliers and business partners.

Dobrosław Pakulski , owner and founder of the partnership,  now consultant and advisor


Capitalising on the partnership’s growth and taking into account market trends, the ever-growing needs of foreign buyers, and mitigating effects of the technologies used heretofore on the environment, our owners focused on developing trade and production both home and abroad. As a result, we have created with our partners in Poland, China, and Bangladesh our own global logistics and production network. We have narrowed down our offer to special purpose and flame retardant (FR) garments and underwear as well as parts of field uniforms, shell garments and equipment for uniformed services and military organisations.

Our strategic goals include superior quality of our products, implementation of new technological solutions , and a more comprehensive product offer.

Without losing our development momentum, and to ensure smooth cooperation between generations, we have decided to harness the wisdom and experience of senior staff and the stamina and energy of the young with a view to handing over the decision making power, responsibility for the partnership and for its employees. The founders of the business are now consultants and advisors who also offer technical support and help handle day-to-day affairs. Their years of experience is now used as a point of reference in making strategic decisions of the Management Board.

Are you interested in cooperation? Contact us and tell us what you need.

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