
Kim jesteśmy?

TRAWENA od wielu lat jest dostawcą artykułów mundurowych dla Wojska Polskiego, Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, Służby Więziennej, Urzędów Celnych, Straży Granicznej , Biura Ochrony Rządu i Policji . Realizowaliśmy produkcję i dostarczamy dla służb mundurowych państw NATO w tym dla armii niemieckiej, fińskiej, norweskiej, szwedzkiej i estońskiej oraz policji berlińskiej.

Skontaktuj się z nami

  • 48 81 58 57 000
  • trawena@trawena@com.pl
  • Trawniki 624c, Trawniki; 21-044
ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 6, Lublin
Sales office:
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 16, Legionowo
Headquarters: +48 81 58 57 000
(in hours 8:00 – 16:00)



• We care about what people say about us, and we are a socially responsible entity. We pay particular attention to the effects of our activities on the local community and on the natural environment. We respect employee rights and follow good practice in business. We spare no effort to protect the environment by adequate waste management (segregation and recycling), reduction of noise, reduction  of transport costs, and minimising water consumption.
• Trawena embraces corporate social responsibility and is aware of the benefits it brings. We support sustainable growth which offers competitive advantage and good reputation in the business environment. This, in turn, translates into commitment and motivation of our employees. Fair competition and law abiding practices stimulate innovation and efficiency. It also helps reduce costs of products and services in the long term perspective. Our decisions concerning supplies take into account social responsibility of our suppliers.  We highly respect values of local communities where we operate and are happy to contribute to our common interests.
• Trawena is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate or favour anyone in respect of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion or worldview, disability, age, years of service, sexual preferences, marital status or other be it recruitment stage or employment. We continue to monitor progress in gender equality and provide our employees with professional enhancement training courses as well as courses that promote wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle in an environment free from any discrimination. Our dedication to emotional, physical, and social development comes from our health and safety policy in place in our organisation.

Our business partners are required to have ISO 14001 certificate implemented. Our assessment of their CSR activities determines our perception of our partners. TRAWENA highly respects the guidelines of ISO 26000 and makes a contribution to sustainable development.

We are fully aware that our organisation operates in symbiosis with the environment, that our operations have an impact on the environment, local communities, our business partners , our clients and our employees.

Our activities bear witness to the fact that being a socially responsible company does not take big investments but rather a different approach to business.

Our organisation is created by people and functions for people. We conduct business with this in mind and we spare no effort to retain this image of our operations.

We are fully aware that our organisation operates in symbiosis with the environment, that our operations have an impact on the environment, local communities, our business partners , our clients and our employees.

Our activities bear witness to the fact that being a socially responsible company does not take big investments but rather a different approach to business.

Our organisation is created by people and functions for people. We conduct business with this in mind and we spare no effort to retain this image of our operations.

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